Lost Creek Conservation Club


May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4 & September 1

Smallbore Benchrest Tournaments

The Lost Creek Township Conservation Club Inc.

1330 North Main Street

Terre Haute, IN  47803

Directions.  Range is located in eastern Vigo County, south of the town of Seelyville, on Main Street. Exit I-70 at SR46/US40 and go north following US40 to the junction of US40 and Wabash Ave. then turn east, then south on Main Street. Traveling US40 from east cross into Vigo County and turn south on Main Street in Seelyville. Main Street is marked by a traffic light and a blue water tower to the south east of the light. Range is 1 mile south on the west side. Watch for sign.

Facilities. Restrooms, snacks, and drinks are available on site.

Time.  Firing begins at 12:00 noon on Sunday. Sign in starts at 11:00 am.

Entries.  Space is Limited.  Advanced entries are encouraged and shooters will be notified vial e-mail of their spot on the line ASAP. Late entries will be accepted the day of the match up until 11:30 see fee schedule for costs. Cutoff date for early entries is close of business (5:00 pm) on the Wednesday prior to the match.  Entries may be e-mailed to: sgtwal@aol.com

Fees.  Fees for matches  will be $5.00 each. Late entries will be an extra $0.50 per match.

Rules.  Current Club Rimfire Rules apply. Rules will be posted on the range the day of the tournament and can be found online at  http://www.lostcreekcc.org

Classes.  Rimfire Division classes of Hunter, Sporter, Custom, and Unlimited will be allowed. See rules for limits on each class. Classes with less than 4 shooters may combine with next higher class until at least 4 shooters are achieved.

Match #1. Thread the Needle. Unlimited Class.  2 Stages of 10 rounds slow fire at 50 yrds. on the A36, 10 bull Metric Target. 20 shots total. Time limit 1.5 minutes per shot. One shot per target.This target is designed to simulate firing the 300 meter International course of fire at 50 feet. Using this target at this range mimics the experience of shooting from the 1000 yard line.

Buy Backs:           A shooter may make one try to improve a bad score by a “Buy Back”. The shooter may pay for another entry and reshoot the match.  No shooter may win more than one prize in the same category or class.

Awards. Awards will be given for high score overall in each match, and high shooter in each class that has at least 4 shooters. An award for high junior will be made for the high junior overall. Unless requested otherwise awards will be in cash back. Formula will be based on the number of shooters.

Scoring.  Scoring will be done by range officials and targets and scores posted as soon as possible. Shots on a target outside the marked sighting target border will be scored as a miss. This is not a sanctioned event and scores will not be retained or recorded beyond the match bulletin.

Match Bulletin. A match bulletin will be mailed or emailed to all competitors.

Challenges. All Challenges must be made by the end of the following stage or within 30 minutes of the end of the match.

Announcements made the day of the match will take precedence over this and any other posted statements.

Match Officials;   (TBA)

Match Director  Wayne Langman

Range Officer   Wayne Langman



Lost Creek 2018 .22 rim fire competition rules

Match Director:

Range Officer:

Statistical Officer:

Classes & Ranges

Hunter: 7 ½ lbs or less no modifications allowed must be factory stock, action & barrel.

Sporter: 10½ lbs or less, any modifications are allowed except no tuners.

Custom: 14 lbs or less, any modifications are allowed

Unlimited:  Any modifications are allowed

All lower classes may compete in higher classes

All weights are inclusive of sights

50 yards bench rest any sights

 (Must supply your own rests) i.e.: sand bags, monopod, bipod, and front tripod.  No machine rests or vises allowed; rifle must be shouldered. 

(No portion of the rifle or any attachment to rifle shall extend more than 3 inches beyond the rear of the shooter’s shoulder)

Competition Regulations

Competition will consist of a Match divided into stages each stage will be determined by the program.  Stages will be divided into squadded individual relays in which the competitor is assigned a definite relay, bench and target by the Statistical officer.  Failure to report on the proper relay or firing point forfeits the right to fire.

Match 1

Match will be timed 20 minutes allowed. Two Prairie Dog targets posted at the same time with 10 prairie dogs per target  Unlimited shots  may be taken at the separate sighter bull per 50 YD  target with only one shot allowed per  prairie dog, if more than one round per prairie dog the highest scored shots will be disqualified until reaching one round.  This makes a total of 20 scored rounds shot at 50 yards benchrest.

Match 2

Match will be timed 20 minutes allowed.  Unlimited shots may be taken at the sighter bull (top bull) above the sighter line per 50 yd A-23/5 Small Bore Rifle Target consisting of four numbered bulls and 1 sighting bull.  Five rounds per numbered bull if more than five rounds per bull that bull will be scored by disqualifying the highest scores until five rounds is reached.  This makes a total of 20 scored rounds shot at 50 yards benchrest.

Match 3

Match will be timed 30 minutes allowed. Unlimited shots may be taken at the sighter bulls (center bulls) inside the sighter ring per 50 FT A-36 Small Bore Rifle Target consisting of 10 numbered bulls and 2 sighting bulls.  One round per numbered bull if more than one round per bull that bull will be scored with shot of lowest value. Two targets posted at the same time this makes a total of 20 scored rounds shot at 50 yards benchrest.

Match 4

Grand Aggregate combined total of scores from matches one through three.



Targets must be given to the Range officer immediately after retrieval & will be stamped by the Statistical Officer when purchased with the proper stage to qualify for scoring.  Scoring will be completed as soon as possible after each relay. Challenges and protests will be referred to the Match Director and will be evaluated by the statistical officer.

Cross fires will be evaluated by the statistical officer.

The club will provide individual benches, seats, targets,a timer, wind flag & target holding equipment.  Must compete on club provided benches.


Conduct: Refusal to obey, Disorderly conduct or intoxication is strictly prohibited on the range and anyone guilty of same will be expelled from the range.  Expelled competitors will be disqualified from the competition with no return of entry fees.


Penalties/Disqualifications:  warnings will be given to competitors with the opportunity to correct the fault.  In case of a serious violation of safety regulations, the Match Director  has the authority to impose immediate disqualification.  The discharge of any firearm anyplace other than the firing line, or the firing line prior to the shooter being placed in the preparation period, will result in disqualification and expulsion from the tournament with no refund of fees. If a firearm is discharged while the shooters are in the preparation period prior to the command ”Commence Firing”, it will result in the competitor being disqualified from that fired relay.  Any competitor placing a round in the chamber, on the loading ramp or magazine in the firearm before the command “Load” will be warned on the first violation, disqualified from the relay on the second violation, disqualified from the stage on the third violation, and expelled from the tournament for the fourth violation, with no refund of fees.                                                              rev.4.2017

Range Control and Commands

Discipline:  The safety of competitors, range personnel and spectators requires continuous attention by all to the careful handling of firearms and caution in moving about the range.  Self-discipline is necessary on the part of all.  Where such self-discipline is lacking it is the duty of the range personnel to enforce discipline and the duty of the competitors to assist in such enforcement.  Under no circumstances shall firing commence or continue on a range where an unsafe condition exists.


Upon command of the Range Officer:

1.     Relay # on the firing line. Firearms shall be brought to the firing line with the action open (if bolt action bolt may be removed) & the chamber flagged when the competitors relay is called.

2.     Go forward and post your target. Targets posted by competitor.

3.     The preparation period starts now.  one minute prep period

4.     The preparation period has ended.

5.     Is the line ready? A competitor who is not ready will immediately raise an arm and call Not ready on the target.  The range officer will immediately state The line is not ready. once corrections are made step six will be executed.

6.     The line is ready.

7.     Ready on the right, Ready on the left, Ready on the firing line.

8.     Load. Rifle chambers may be loaded.

9.     Commence Firing. Stop watch will be started

10.  Cease firing. Each shooter must stop firing immediately, open the action and place the rifle on the bench with the chamber flagged.  If rifle is loaded, competitor will raise an arm to alert range officer that their rifle needs cleared.

11.  Is the line clear? If the range officer does not observe all rifles grounded on a bench and safe they will restate step ten or execute step twelve.

12.  The line is not clear, stand easy.  The range officer will then assist in making the line safe. When they can observe that the line is safe they will continue with commands to finish the relay or proceed to step thirteen.     

13.  The line is clear, go forward and retrieve your target. No one may touch or handle a      firearm while there is someone downrange.  Succeeding relays are handled in a like manner.

                                              Officers or competitors will immediately

                                   Command; “CEASE FIRING” if any unsafe

                                   Act occurs which indicates possible injury to

                                    Some living thing should firing continue.

                                               In all other cases commands will originate with the  

                                               Range officer.


Should a target become unserviceable during the relay, the Range Officer will issue commands and directions as they deem advisable.